
Talent Acquisition strategies through the COVID-19 crisis

COVID-19 is representing an unprecedented challenge to the industry.

Life Science Medics is the leading executive search firm specialised in the recruitment of medics in industry. We only operate a global HQ/international R&D and have a track record spanning several decades. We wanted to use our experience to bring together a short guideline on what to expect from a talent acquisition perspective in the months to come and suggestions on how to mitigate the
effects of the pandemic.

We are working on the assumption that this will be a sharp and acute crisis with restrictions on movement which will hopefully be lessened over a period of months, most likely over summer. We are also working on the assumption that the knock-on effect may be a wider economic crisis with limited liquidity that will likely bear the hallmarks of previous crises. Although there is no precedent for dealing with a global pandemic, for the short term we can certainly draw on the lessons of the 2008 financial and dot com bubble of the late 90s.

What can we expect in the short-term?

The most significant and acute impact of COVID-19 will be on positions that need to be filled in the next 6 months. So what can we expect?

  • Companies unable to complete recruitment processes due to travel restrictions and limits on personal contact.

  • Decreasing candidate confidence – we are already seeing candidates becoming more reticent to move in such uncertain times and in a difficult socio-economic climate, so expect a significant drop-out rate especially if it requires that person to relocate nationally or internationally.

  • Uncertainty over timelines to bring someone on board and difficulty of managing resources against critical company timelines.

How to address this:

  • Secure continuity of service though flexible labour - for example short-term e.g, 6 months contract, part-time with built in flexibility, remote working. Life Science Medics has a leading network of highly experienced global physicians ready to work on a consultancy and/ or part-time basis and able to support at short notice and with high impact.

  • Use of video-technology as a standard through the evaluation and early interview process.

  • Virtual onboarding if possible or deferred start dates.

What to do in the mid-term (start date in 6 months or more)?

If it’s a strategic hire, with a start date of Q4 or later, then there is no significant
change to strategy apart from recommending:

  • Bring your timelines forward - START NOW - pick the right partner to deliver a quality shortlist on time and to specification.

  • Conduct series of VCs as first round interviews and plan in lots of breathing room for delays at final round interview stage where we recommend bringing in only the top two candidates for face to face interview.

Potential delays to the process will include continued turbulence through COVID-19 and the lull
of summer months. We also suggest background work on offers in the run-up to final round interview so that the company can strike quickly. Expect a more challenging candidate market.

What to expect in the long-term – going into 2021?

A likely global economic downturn is widely predicted so how can companies mitigate the impact on hiring the best medical talent?

  • For physicians what matters is data, data, data! When presenting new opportunities to the market-place, it will be critical to do so in a comprehensive and professional manner. It will be of primary importance to allay anxiety by providing detailed breakdown on the company including the science, vision and financial fundamentals – this will be key to success.

  • Make it personal; Candidate is far more likely to accept if they feel synergy with the line manager and company ethos. We have lots of tips on how best to do this.

  • Make your life easier by running efficient processes and take control of your recruitment process – we can uniquely facilitate this through our ground-breaking platform Faber.

  • Faber gives you access to all project data in real-time. See the work progress and shortlists form from the comfort of your mobile phone. This unique methodology is proven to reduce time to hire. We provide interim/consultancy support in 72 hours and permanent shortlists are delivered in 6 weeks.

  • Discuss and agree on building in greater flexibility in the company proposal from the outset. In previous economic downturns, candidates have become less willing to relocate because of the impact on family. Alleviate this by forward planning for successful flexible working/commute arrangement, etc.

  • Find an experienced, specialist recruiter with a great network who has access to the right pool of talent and legitimacy with the medical community. Stick with them – they know your story and are committed to your cause.

We’re ready to step up to support you in whatever way we can.

Life Science Medics is the only company in the world focused solely on the recruitment of industry physicians at a global HQ & international R&D level.

For more detail & to help planning get in touch with the team or Managing Director:

Pierre Matthews

+44 207 993 2498

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